5 Sets TR-350T, 25 Sets TR-350 Shipped to Overseas Distributor

Apr 20,2021


TR-350T is a rooftop van refrigeration unit.
Our customer is using a fleet of 22 new refrigerated vans with Guchen Thermo TR-350T freezer units to deliver both fresh and chilled cargoes in their local. It was the second order from our overseas distributor. 5 sets of brand new TR-350T van unit will be shipped abroad on 25th, April, 2021.
 tr-350 truck unit for sale


Guchen thermo has supplied the overseas agency with 25 TR-350 truck refrigeration units to assist with refrigerated truck deliveries across the state.
Commenting on the TR-350 model, the fleet manager said: “the freezer units that were supplied to us by Guchen Thermo are with great quality and high refrigeration capacity. They enable us to provide a more reliable service to our customers. Definitely, we would cooperate with Guchen Thermo again with our coming van projects in the near future. They are a really professional team.”
van refrigeration unit shipped abroad


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